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PRIZM is a variant of the Petit Crouton on which the current regulator was removed and the power supply design was adapted for single cell. In addition, a real time color changing was developped which allows up to 10 profiles to be browsed within a font using the aux. switch and the activator switch.
It also features up to SIX sound fonts and 4 accent LEDs and features Trident™ to control secondary blades (quillons) as seen on some recent sabers.
All the details and specs of the PRIZM v5 here

NARROW ! New Dimensions : 39.3 x 20.30 x 5 mm - < 7/8" - thinner and smaller yellow capacitor with better placement for easier hilt integration

Dual Digital Sensor motion detection. Identical to CF MotionFusion™, very high swing sensitivity and vibration & battery ripple immune

Mute during power off. Optional silenced power-off sound when MOTG is engaged

3 channel color mixing with FlexiBlend™-
4A per channel

RGB Neopixel / WS2812 ledstrip (and alike) support with adjustable timings

Ledstrip Trident
™ (cross-guard) support

Ledstrip power saving StripOff™

Ledstrip data output/line with onboard resistor (aka LS pad)

Ledstrip localized & Accurate Blaster Bolt deflection AccuBolt™

Omnisabers support / Omnisabers Ready

Override master file + individual configuration files for font specific settings
Fully designed from scratch by Plecter Labs,PRIZM is the single cell little brother of our former Crystal Focus Saber Core sound board. It features a luxeon controller and an interactive motion sensitive sound unit. It plays digital quality sound samples (22KHz / 16 bits) for power on, humming, swing (up to 16 slots), clash (up to 16 slots), blaster (4 slots), blade lockup, force push and power off. On/Off control of the module can be done with a latching switch or a momentary switch (setup with our SD-Config™ technology). The switch must be purchased separately.
Our module also triggers additional effects such as blaster ray blocking and blade lockup with an additional auxiliary button (not provided). Sounds and setup can be changed by the user using a simple USB SD card reader. Comes with a microSD card. Wiring supplies and speaker to be ordered separately.
►The board comes with 3 sound banks Light Meat, Grey Meat and Dark Meat, installed on the microSD. You can obtain more sound fonts at saberfont.com, see this page.
PRIZM also features
A-POP™ technology :
™. An option on the configuration file can require that the user confirm the saber power off using the aux. button. This avoids any accidental power off of the saber, especially when using momentary buttons for activation.
Just like CF and our other boards, the PRIZM handles WAV files !
Dimensions : 39.3x20.3x5 mm (with the microSD card). Now slimmer with small capacitors !
Power supply : SINGLE CELL !!! 5.5v MAX / 4A per channel. 1 li-ion cell (18650 or 14500) battery recommended.
Deep Sleep current consumption : 0.1 mA - 12 months of shelf time with a 18650
Compatibility : luxeon star III, V, K2, rebel, seoul P4, Ledengin, tri-rebel, tri-cree
Speaker : 4-8 ohm, up to 2W. NOT provided
Download the
user's manual of this module for detailed features.