A real entry range saber sound board !
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All the details and specs of the Nano Biscotte v4 here

Up to 3 fonts - Long press on the activation switch when blade is off make the saber switch to the other font. Comes with Lightmeat, Greymeat and Darkmeat

Configurable reboot delay

Adjustable beep volume (not really any innovation there lol)

Up to 16 swing and 16 clash sounds

Dual Digital Sensor motion detection. Identical to CF MotionFusion™, very high swing sensitivity and vibration & battery ripple immune

Single switch Mute-on-the-go™ (MOTG) with configurable delay

Mute during power off. Optional silenced power-off sound when MOTG is engaged

3 channel color mixing with FlexiBlend™- 4A per channel

FoC Mixing Techniques allowins mixed color FoC as well as traditional and popular "On-top" type Flash on Clash

Pulse Fx :-)

2 on-board LED driver (backward compatible with NB3) + 1 remote PEx for a 3rd channel

RGB Neopixel / WS2812 (and alike) support with adjustable timings

Ledstrip power saving StripOff™

Omnisabers support / Omnisabers Ready

Override master file + individual configuration files for font specific settings
The module plays realistic digital sound effects (22.050 kHz / 10 bit) from a µSD card. Sounds can be changed by the user using a USB SD card reader. The units has several sound slots including power on, humming, swing (16 slots), clash (16 slots) and power off. On/Off control of the module can be done with a momentary switch only (must be purchase separately). Comes with a microSD card. Wiring supplies and speaker to be ordered separately.
►The board comes with 3 sound banks "Light Meat", "GreyMeat" & "Dark Meat" installed on the microSD. You can obtain more sound fonts at saberfont.com, see this page.
Like the CFSC and the PC, the Nano Biscotte handles WAV files. It is however NOT equipped with a current driver or regulator, therefore an external power resistor is required to operate the module in certain conditions
Download the
user's manual of this module for detailed features and operations.
Dimensions : 28.5x18.5x5 mm (with the microSD card).
Power supply : 3.3 to 5.5 V / 4A per channel (with the Luxeon LED). SINGLE li-ion cell (1x18650 or 1x14500) battery recommended.
Idle current consumption : < 100 µA - 12+ month of shelf time
Compatibility : luxeon star III, V, K2, rebel, seoul P4, Ledengin, tri-rebel, tri-cree
Speaker : 4-8 ohm, up to 2W. NOT provided, must be purchased separately here