A newer version of the Thermal Detonator sound board that I originally designed at the opportunity of the Oubliette TD run on KickStarter
This is the version 3 of the board, which has up to 3 sound fonts and an improved deep sleep system allowing an extended shelf time with no kill key (similar to our Pico Crumble saber board). It also comes with a digital motion sensor and a faster boot when revived from deep sleep.
Our version extends the interactive scenario of the prop by enabling a 2-stage arming scheme, first with the top sliding rocker which reveals the red button and arms the device in idle state. Rotations of the device move it into a "danger zone" with a faster clicking and beeping as seen in the movie.

The board comes with the 3 thermal detonator sound fonts installed on the SD card, Genesis Custom Sabers and Eastern57.
- FONT1 : interative enhanced font with idle (armed) => warning scenario, various quotes, auxiliary switch triggered explosions. Swings/wave and clash movement enabled. (That's the Thermal D font from Rob @ Genesis custom sabers available at saberfont.com)
- FONT2 : a "classic" TD font, no quote, no motion, no boot sound (disabled in the config)
- FONT3 : classic TD font with alternate power off sound (quote), no boot sound, no motion
Derived from our Nano Biscotte saber board, shocks on the prop will trigger an explosion sound. An additional switch (auxiliary switch) can be installed under the top red lamp to trigger movie quotes or engage an energy burst (similar to the blade lockup of our saber boards).
Motion can be disabled in the configuration files to produce a strict / canon prop replica.
The front accent LEDs sequences are fully configurable with configuration files for each of the events including power on, power off, idle, danger (waved), explosion (shock) or count down (aka "lockup" for sabers, using the long press on the aux. switch). Provided sequences replicate as closely as possible the timing and style seen in the (very) few moments of the movie.
Please download our PDF user's manual of the sound board for details about the wiring and configuration.
Size : 30x18x5 mm
Voltage : 5.5V max - we recommend the use of a CR123 battery or 16340 rechargeable li-ion battery, alternatively a 500mAh protected lipo battery.
Audio : 2W - 10 bit digital audio - WAV files
►Video Demo: